...banana-throwing festival, eh? Better hide the Sad Splinters, then.
OH GOD, the Tolnedran merchants asking Belgarion for a bailout! Brilliant!
But what did Polgara have to say about it?
OO Vermis and the King in Yellow! Excellent! Can't remember what they're about, but I remember them.
And, what? No Bhelliom? ;) AND GRUES! YOU HAVE GRUES! ;) I LOVE YOU MAN.
I DO wish there was a way to turn the music off. Repetitive noise fries my nerves after a while, even if it is quite pleasing, as this music is.
I absolutely LOVE this style of game. I am so happy I found this, finally. Can't believe I didn't find it sooner. Your sense of whimsy... is... like reading Jacques' Redwall for the first time, or staring at the ocean calm at night. This game was beautiful, sir. Thank you.