Sweet! Loved the twist about the ...
Are there more?
Sweet! Loved the twist about the ...
Are there more?
244 clicks, 9 min 11 sec final score 303633. FUN! that was some tomtrollery you dun thar. reminds me of Link.
well fuck this was great. ;) THIS WAS camel killin LOVE.
WHYYYYY did you give us a screen with all the rooms on a map, like a level game? That completely destroyed immersion for meeeeee! ;(
haha this was FUN, but too short. Why all the hate? anyway, it isn't an ESCAPE game though. ;)
as always, your games are fascinating. loved the music, loved the art, ahhh...
a few points.
1. lose the arrows and magnifying glasses. Is this an escape game or a flow chart?
They take away all semblance of immersion.
2. LOVE LOVE LOVVVVEEEE the 3-d aspect and especially the fact that you can turn objects around 360 as you examine. ;)
3. Lose the ' I CLICKED HERE IT DID NOTHING HAHA' white ring of death on the cursor. See above for why. trust me, the people you want to love your games will do so, if you do what I'm telling you.
4. I've played a lot of these, and the ones that stick in my memory the most are deeply immersive, with rich story, and quite arrowless.
5. Lastly, try to make the interface elements less intrusive. If you are aiming for immersion, obvious interfaces are not the way to go. Although, Skutnik's games are a venerable exception.
othing works for me, and only the red cross hairs cursor shows up! waaaaaaah. I WANT THIS.
gaah, I like this, it's really fun. But, it's hard to get some of the achievements. is it randomized?
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10