LUPIN...... I made a lupin scarf for my friend earlier this year. heheh.
LUPIN...... I made a lupin scarf for my friend earlier this year. heheh.
W0000000t. Isn't that animation just great.
AwesomeSawz. Bitch.
nice job herbal, as always.
your comedic timing is subtle, yet spot on.
thanks brotha, glad you're still following. :)
heheh... excellent social commentary on religion, I may make that one of many presumable assumptions.
...I had a dream i was abducted by creepy doorkeeping Jewish Mormons once... went into a store run by them... only because i had a coupon... then the next thing i know, in the next part of the dream, i woke up in a wagon-car thing... in the trunk/boot probably, in a field. then all these safe strong men at this factory i saw and decided to explore wanted to help me find my way home. lol.
I love sleepy time.
ha ha, excellent!
nice theme, nice art, nice mood. But I'm guessing English is not your strongest point? There were a few needful words missing, the absence of which impaired your sentence structure and brought this down from what could be all the stars, to just minus a few. I will give oyu all the stars though, don't worry! :)
Just work on your grammar, okay? and make sure you double check what words you're USING next time, and spelling and things, okay?
excellent work! Keep it up. I am a writer with asperger's and other deficits, in case you're wondering why I mispelled the yuo; i left it in on purpose so you could mybae get a general idea of what I mean. nice work!
Thx mate
Yes your right
im actually half german and half norweigan :)
.. i wish it WAs a game. I would play.
Maybe in the future who knows?
...well, if I ever go...
It's either AERISTH Or a Draag.
Depending if I cna stand to grow my hair out or not.
My vote is you should be Aeris/th, fo sho!
ohthat was NICE! bit fast, but i understand Why it was Fast. Contextually.
haha. yes. the Thwomps are EVIL.
Thwomps are indeed evil, I had fun doing this, I learnt about Vcams in this for the camera and I had a lot of problems going through this animation, every now and then I went back to it during the day and just changed bits, the amount of sprites I over ripped just to make this was obscene, I probably ripped 100+ useles sprites I was never going to use XD *sigh* This stuff is hard XD
Oh Jason, that's monotonous. Go back to your room and change into the dress i bought you.
Jason's New Dress, eh? Now there's an idea!
the music and theme of lesson reminds me of the indie game, To the Moon.
well done. So fluid! and simple.
Thank you, it isn't what I had in mind but To the Moon is a very inspirational game for me.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10