hell yes perhaps skyrim may save us all- then agai
-n I'm a girl, so...
that said,
DIE COOKING MAMA DIE! And kill that f&&&ing stylus driven NIGHTMARE CHILD while you're at it. I haven't been able to afford games for like 3 years, and the games that are coming out have NO FREAKIN SOUL, so WHY BOTHER? how is Skyrim any different? a good game should be like a good book. you die if you put it down, but in the RIGHT WAY. GOOD DIE, not ZOZMG GODIHADTOGOTOTHETOILETANDTHERESNOFREA KINPAUSEWTFIMGONNADIEEEE force-feeding death. Ah, the good old days of playing Impossible Mission on the C64 and dying horribly while watching Tom Baker Years Doctor Who... WHY GOD WHY? gaming now is crap.