MAn these just keep gettin better.
MAn these just keep gettin better.
KOLM/TTA possible connection
... it's like KOLM, isn't it? I mean, who cares that KOLM was made aFTER this... it MSUT BE! MUST BE I SAY!!
goddammit Jim, I'm a gamer not a bricklayer!
( i wish somebody would ask me for help with their writing sometimes on here... maybe... when I can... I write fanfiction... but, nothing else.. maybe one day and I am babbling in a review window okay now bye bye then)
okay. cannot. wait!
I do not yet have any flash skills.. but... you sir, are a GOD.
- I buldZ AltarsZ?- also, Kirb, is your spelling intentionally bad? I get all the shorthand, I don't mean that and the obviously intentional stuff, but... corperation, srsly? eek.
Tht said, meh. You ROCK BRUDDAH.
damn. I was hoping Red Link wa Voltarius.
Me too man- me too. And I usually HATe these games... I don't socialize. no sirree bob. so yeah. damn straight bra.
man, even if they WRe all made 6 years ago, who cares? They are still AWESOME.
Maaan... makes me wish I coud program... damn it. Well i can't. Yet. BuhahahahAHAHAHAH
.. oh man
oh man, with my dyspraxia and processing deficit, you gave m a run for my money.. I ended up having to use the tab-space... wibble. but, EXCELLENt idea!
SNEAKY MUSHROOM BASTARD! DAMn I gotta find way to change my crappy usename!
OOOOO is there any site
that actually has a game remotely like this? god damn it Kirbopher, I wanna PLAY THIS RIGHT NOW.
normally, becaue i have asperger's, social networking and facebook-style games make me physically ill. But damn it man, if THIS WAS GAME.... I'd surely play it! Forsooth!
sigh. You are the funniest damn Kirbyfan on this site.
RED LINK! RED LINK! mannn I gotta getthe music you use!!!
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10