eh, brah
Yes I found it amusing.
sweet job.
eh, brah
Yes I found it amusing.
sweet job.
Excellent work, my Muslim bra!!! Can I ask what you used to make this with? i am struggling to get into doing some flash , because I have all these ideas in my head... and some which I've already committed to paper or hard drive... but I don't know what I should use. Waht did you use, may I ask? Oh wait I already asked that. O.o
I used Macromedia Flash 8
Thanks for the review ^^
Just send me a PM if you have more questions :D
I have never lived wiht a roommate; however, i totalyl get it, and it was TOTALYL AWESOME.
FUCKING EPIC MAN!!!!! I ma a fan of Sailor Moon... well, the potential of Sailor Moon not to be badly dubbed adn lacking in any psychological depth, unlike Ghost in the Shell... but anyway , ilike both shows, so.. dude this was righteous funny.
Dudes. I am white, with friends all over the rainbow, and I really appreciate the message you are trying to get across. WE all need to work together and overcome this crap fog we are in and be intelligent and compassionate people. The time for gang mentality and senseless violence is over. Useful violence, however, violence that teaches people humanity and kindness when there is no other way... well. But that's another debate.
good job, bra.
when i was a kid, i closet-loved this show. But I always wished it wsa like THIs instead of... that otherthing.
SO, yo urock .But, um, maybe a preloader so it doeesn;t just keep playing over and over? That said, this ROCKETH.
I knowww! the weepy little bastard... when he gets tooo cute, that sick cute that only crazy people like, (not real cute, mind- I LIKe real cute) you just wanna stick a spit up his ass and char him over a nice open flame. Maybe.. with some hickory chips... and green sauce...
oh. yeah. babe.
speaking from my own own perspective, as a person who knows NOTHING about flash, this is exquisite. I don't find anything wrong with it, and I have seen some really ah... needwork flash. This is reallly great stuff; please keep up the good work so we can continue to enjoy you guys' wonderful talents!
I was soo freaked out the first time i encountered a redead. Then, after like, fifty time sof running away in terror, I figured out how to wail on em, and life was bitchin after that. SO, kudos for this, y'all. total EPIC WIN.
Thank you :) you really seem to get it :) I have had some mild flash experience before this, but typically pick up stuff after watching movies or other ng flashes. Regardless of how it scored, I was really proud that I finished it. Yeah I know about those redeads forsure. Why would the gamers be so cruel to fill hyrule village with them and then make you walk through it? It doesn't male sense?! Thanks for your review, and I hope to keep making things you enjoy :)
ICEBERG! lettuce remix.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10