my GOD man! the WIN!
Pokedex: Pidgyoto got Ko'd, turned into a zombie, and ate your face. then burped and threw up a magikarp. Which ate your SOUL.
bada TSSSS.
my GOD man! the WIN!
Pokedex: Pidgyoto got Ko'd, turned into a zombie, and ate your face. then burped and threw up a magikarp. Which ate your SOUL.
bada TSSSS.
DOOOOD what do you smoke when you do these? this is hilariouser than the last one.
hrm. not bad! I like the backgrounds. HOWEVER, thinking as a writer, i find that the music is too busy and inappropriate to the mood, and the guy should not be smiling in that situation; it's grave determination he should be comveying, with a bit of snark, unless I'm missing something. Also, the animation does not match the lovely background enough for them to work well together. change one or the other to better match. i would suggest changing the animation style to match the backgrounds a tad. ;)
Thanks for taking the time for the review!
Yeah, looking back after the rush of making something complete in a short-ish amount of time the music is very cluttered to me as well so that is something I'm looking to change up if I make it into the next round. And if I have enough time this round I'd love to smooth out the animation more. I was working in anywhere from 12-6 FPS where i usually work in 24 so it's a bit choppier than usual.
You actually nailed a huge misstep in my plot as well. Looking back I didn't want the prince (blonde main character) to be happy at the end there. I put that expression kind of as a place holder and wanted to go back and make him look concerned, confused, and angry. Regardless of me getting into farther NATA rounds I'm going to continue the story line and re-polish this animation with a lot of the critiques everyone has been saying and that's very high on the list. Hopefully it won't confuse viewers in my future animations for this story.
Sorry for the novel, thanks again.
nice sketchy feel!
ah, the sad, mad fate of Sue Tiny.
Harry Dresden Approves.
Thanks! I had to google every name you just referenced haha.
circle gameeeee!
nice. bit stiff, but that will go away with practice before you know it.
and I don't yet have the facility to make things that are in my head into lovely flash, so... you go, dude.
the bunny looked evil slightly though, like he just fell asleep after drinking Arthur's blood at the cave near Antioch. but it still works! you realize later it's just surprised.
mehehehehehehhee. who else besides me actually GOt the fact that the Green Lantern movie was perfectly fine?
haha. nicee.
this is actualy educational. thank you! heheh. that damn white line... happens in paint too, sadly. Ah, if only Gimp wasn't... gimpy.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10