awww, it's only an intro But a NICE one.
awww, it's only an intro But a NICE one.
well that was epic awesome. god damn i remember that fucking button too. PLAY THE GOD DAMN NOTE RIGHT YOU MOTHER FUCKING SPRING-LOADED PLASTIC DEMON TOY!!!!!!
Hehehehe. Pretty much. It did seem like it was a little possessed. Link randomly spinning a circle while trying to aim the bow or him targeting stuff you did not activate.
... how come no one ever does a good Doctor Who/ Link parody? ;(
i kept expecting luigi to do a pole dance in his leopard underwear.
... I hope you meet Malcolm '12th fucking Doctor' Tucker in a dark alley. What is wrong with you? you never put any effort into these. what are you trying to make a statement? what kind of statement could POSSIBLY be gleaned from this level of work except look at me I'm a fucktard?
i went to 12 doctors to discuss ur condition and they all said ur gay
right now, the way I feel... today...
this video is love. LOVE. LOVE. LOVEE! LOVE. LOVE. LOVEEE.
Chicago. Chicago...
having watched Night of the Creeps, the Cell, Alien, and other lovely nasty movies, I think I get it. I think.
Haha. I LOVe the thing you did at the end, 'no eggs for you'. It'll be a minute before i understand it, as the concept is still rattling around in my unconscious. I KNOW I recognise the idea, I just can't I just can't remember WHERE...
hey, do one on The Third Man.
yes yes, we MUSt have a series. SERIESSSSs.
okay. you are officially my favoite artist on Newgrounds this week.
stun. ning.
I LPVE THIS. very epic.
lolz. nice little macabre offering. my scoprio rising approves. however, my virgo moon wants to crawl into a corner, and my libra sun well... let's not go there.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10