I'm a dedicated virgin but this is hilarious. Good job.
I'm a dedicated virgin but this is hilarious. Good job.
kill it with fire. it's obviously a face hugger.
I love Doctor Who.
WhovianWhore = me.
fair dinkum, mate! FAIR. DINKUM!
so so fair. and so so true.
damn bastards.
"shall I compare thee to a crumber's day? thou art more doughy and more raticent."
I intend never to play this nasty game series. But I understand the feels. I do. and I heartily concur.
five stars for mathematical excellence.
I worked at Dillard's once. this one associate kept following people and creeping up behind them... when she did it to me, becaues i was, you know, WORKING AND DOING WELL AT MY JOBBB instead of stalking other associates, I freaked out (on the inside) and must have made a strange face because she was like, 'if that's how you feel about me' or some wierd shit. Then she left. GOD I was so glad to see the back of her and al lthe other psychotic people working there-one girl was clearly some kind of BPD narcissistic horror. haven;t been able to hold a job since. got so stressed trying ot wokr and do a good job there taht I started seeing black scarabs crawling all over me ALL THE TIME... and became physically ill. so no job for me. And that's sad, becuae I think i was about to get promoted. Becuae i actually DID MY JOB and DID IT WELL. AHAHAHAHAHa.
Yeah, i totally udnerstand workplace angst. Believe me. nice vid.
Oh I dunno... i think the minimalist animation style has merit. You could do a lot with it. Explore. See what stories yo ucould tell.
Just... no... more... body fluid jokes... my chaste and pure brain just can't handle the stress.
ha! So glad it was tp and not... chocolate. That would just... not... just ew.
ha. need to maybe play this. Good times. But I HATe MMORPGS. no soul... but the humor was good.
this reminds me of the parody song I made for YOUTUBE called 'Song of Gorms' about Link and Creepypasta Ben with a slight reference to Elder Scrolls... ah...
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10