awww... we don't get Newgrounds medals! this was AWESOME FUN. a bit twisted, but hey! that's the point.
It's satire.
awww... we don't get Newgrounds medals! this was AWESOME FUN. a bit twisted, but hey! that's the point.
It's satire.
oh this was nice! but how do we get more? the link, was it, didn't work. ;(
I see that the button "More Jigsaw Puzzles" after you complete a puzzle doesn't work properly. Will fix it. Thank you for your feedback Radeshtka. You can always select "Jigsaw Puzzle" on the top left corner.
I love you for this skutnik.
nice! the whole point is not to have any items, but to move fluidly through the girls' dream world.
however, the scripting could be better, and by that I mean the dialogue could be more psychologically mature, depth-wise, to keep in line with the gravity of the kind of story it seems to be; but JUST a tiny bit. ;) also, could you slow down the movement JUST a tiny little bit? And, one more couple of things: add a mute button for the title screen music, and make more of hte scenery visible... add some more detail. ;) loved this. reminds me of Grey Rainbow.
i took great personal joy in Peter Paul and Mary-ing their ass. i loved the first one, and I certainly love this new and shinier sequel. It's ALMOST too busy, but it manages to strike that special balance.
hahahahahah. excellent. every time i play this, I just love it. but it's so short!!! do a longer one... like meat mansion, only your style, with no shooting or timed things. this is nice... like 15 coins, only short and suhweet.
playing now. I LOVe. but it needs medals. not for achievements, but for story secrets, maybe? reminds me of that lovely gyosseit. maybe you and gyosseit guy should hook up and make something PHENOMENAL?
ahhh... poor, sweet, childish HAL... ur, I mean LADOC. or whatever you named him. I always wondered about the conversation they had during the orbital degrade into the star...
it would have been cruel to leave the poor thing alone. Thanks for giving us this.
hrm, might be too busy for a -text- adventure. I played all the Zorks back when, see? try harder, sweetie! But it's a nice attempt!!! try for a bit more streamlining next time; otherwise, great try!
how do you fight back?
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10