I love you. Marry me.
We shall have a child named Salad Fingers and sally forth on a valiant quest to pilch all the jelly babies from Kasterborous at a full five finger discount.
Nylocke is win, man. good job.
I love you. Marry me.
We shall have a child named Salad Fingers and sally forth on a valiant quest to pilch all the jelly babies from Kasterborous at a full five finger discount.
Nylocke is win, man. good job.
people, the bad animation is part of the gimmick. shut up and enjoy the show.
malcolm tucker says fuckety bye.
oh god these are just so special I love theseeeeeee!
and the little music run when Miss Kitty (?) got mad at huey. excellence!!!!!!
soy long, folks.
Soy had a dream today.
Soy too, died.
Like Soylent Green.
excellent short man. keep on truckin. merry christmahanukwanzaaka.
oh god. my sentiments exactly. i hate those damn things. But they're like evil Time Lords... they keep popping up after you kill them.
Someone should tell GlaDOS about them. or Metromind, if you're desperate.
excellent, as per your usual.
Let me get this straight. So, if Salad Fingers is a dissociative-delusional schizophrenic with psychotic themes and homicidal rages, then, the birthday present on the pillar symbolizes...
his disconnection with himself, and putting that self he's willfully forgotten about on a pedestal, correct?
interesting. the horse, too... shades of The Cell. god damn I love you. I love mostly sweet and compassionate psychological exploration, but for me, this series has ALWAYS been better than KFC. can't wait for more, if it's coming. ;)
GlaDOS approves.
oh god, YES. and the damn fishmongerperv. LOL.
this is a lovely little commentary on how innane all that shit in Zelda we don't need or want is.
Like hte god dman Facebook Fairy.
The Constant Status Update of 'assilon.
The Evil of Rupee Chests.
LOL!!! that grating voice... minus points for my misophonia.
Tiny Tin. Was. Perfect. for this.
oh my. a nice little short.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10