I love a well executed stick man.
damn fine job, as far as I'm concerned.
The middle battle scene, the one withe the swords and the outside of the building, it sort resembled the scene from Advent: Children... it was righteous, man.
I love a well executed stick man.
damn fine job, as far as I'm concerned.
The middle battle scene, the one withe the swords and the outside of the building, it sort resembled the scene from Advent: Children... it was righteous, man.
Thanks alot!
very inventive.
Very funny.
and creepy.
If I was any more evil...
heheheh. I would write a Doctor WHo/Supernatural/this Particular Series crossover. THis shit is EPIC! FUnny.
Made of win bro. Made of teh WIN.
Dude, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't abandon the fans. Coz when you get all famous, with those -lucrative- flash, they won't come knocking.
this is a great epic piece of fandom and it deserves better! Don't murderit in it's sleep, bro! LINK FOR THE WIN!!\
Wow. This is funnier than my cat on a chlorine bender.
Good job. I favor the yellow ranger. And the blue-hair.
Holy shit. All my WOAHS R belong to this.
SRSLY, this was teh SAUCE.
Anway, really funny, really well animated in terms of consistency and fitting with your style. Very nice.
This was teh KEwlness. I haven't laughed so hard since Thundercats.
funny, dude. bit short though. keep truckin~
AS a DIE HARD fangirl, I HAVE to weigh in on this. It's my -DUTY-.. plus i write fanfiction for the genre, so... As soon as I can figure out how to do the -#$%Q#E$%- you guys are doin, I -WILL- be here, NYERTARDIS, StealinyerTIMELORD. wooot
Nice job! But the humour isn't tight enough for me.. i like a nice tight script. Not to mention OTHER things that are tight... like Matt and Davids' bums..
Hot damn it's good to be American.
I didn't write the script, I had nothing to do with this was originally a filmed live action sketch for a show called Dead Ringers and I just recorded the diologue and animated it. If you want to see the real sketch, search it on youtube and you'll find it. As for the Humour, it is too British...but then again, it was a sketch for a BRITISH Comdey Show. I guess Newgrounds is too American for British humour.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10