Great stuff! BUT...
Your usage needs tweaking... there are certain parts that will horrify the grammar nazis.
The Path of his Father...
It would have been better had you had the man commissioning Collin say,
... if he follows the same path AS his father, or if he continues down the same path as his father, or if he takes the same path as his father... do you understand?
Do This Mission... in that particular conversation, an operative in control of another operative might be far more likely to use better English and say this:
Connor will carry out this mission, Collin is to carry out this mission... etc.
I would be happy to um, what is the word? -Beta- your next script, if you like...
Never done a script before! Might be fun! I write too much Doctor Who fanfiction anyway... WELL there can never be too much of THAT, but still...
Other than those types of things, this was great! Nothing else wrong with it that I could see. I don't do Flash, yet, but hey. This was great.
Yeah, I never really noticed that before, but the script/story wasn't written by me. I was just given some voices and the outline of what the storywriter wanted the scene to look/feel like.
Thanks though :)
Maaaaan, I redrew one of the characters for my original fiction/game idea a couple weeks ago... I've been asking what different people think so I can get a well-rounded idea of what I want to do... You rock.
This was a great little story... I want to see more, really soon, if you please!
Yes, the story was generic, but sometimes simplicity works. With a bit of a tune-up as your skills progress, this will REALLY be something. Not that it isn't now, of course; it's great as is!
Dude.. I have Asperger's... this has given me far too many disgusting visual images...
rather inventive though, I must say.
Good job!
just got back from watching your exquisite! SURFACE.
Love this; Love SURFACE.
Can't wait.
ohwow. this has me hooked.
Damn I love thinkin too much.
THanks for this, guys. it rocks. MAkes me hopeful.
I crave stuff like this and I can't get enough.
-starved for this kind of stimulation-
excellent work. Looking forward to more.
omg srsly
GREAT PREMISE bro; keep it up. PLEASE MAKE MORE SOON! Great promise this shows; much laughing I will do.
aw this was sweet! Nice symbolism. SO is this supposed to be like Ghost in the Shell at all?
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10