hrm. makes me want to go watch ICE FISHING agian.
hrm. makes me want to go watch ICE FISHING agian.
dude. haha. what happened to the horse?
remember that awesome meme about GoAts IN TrEeS? EPIC.
trollmoon. my god man.
that moon. that fucking moon.
i always enjoy thecreepy symbolism behind zelda, esp the jungain archetypes involved. can;t name them off the top of my hat right now, like i do normally, but it's only 9:33, so... nice work.
only the clients who arent irreparably stupid, like this one. some people have no concept of courtesy toward their employees or contractor. ARGH. customer service is shit nowadays, but at least some of us still try for the good customers... and perhaps all the bad ones are jsut havign a bad day, eh?
;) great short.
I think a lot of people can relate to this. Pretty common issue no matter where your working.
heheh. I learned to mimic other people's accents. i cna speak in any accent I like, provided I know it already. However, i don't remember them by location-name so much as by sound and sesnation of said sound. try that!
Yeah, i think about this kind of thing all the time. hypocracy is a part of life. everyone is a hypocrite at some point. ;) it's the people who never realize that I worry about. ;O
we're all hypocrites
I'm particularly fond of it. Sorry Herbs.
I think it's hilarious.
Thank you sistah, good to see you still tuned in :)
haha. it's like Glados's psychotic boyfriend.
ts relaly not supposed to be that funny, morons. MY GOD. It's supposed to be cute, sweet, wiht a TINy bit of situational humour.
good. grief.
nice job flanny! -I- got it.
Star Wars!!!! Сделать врача, рядом!
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bogaturs являются одним из папки "Избранное" от вас.
Сожжены тостер выпечка никогда не неприятный вкус.
awesome man. please clone yourself before death and continue doing these for each successive generation. they are great fun.
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10