lOL. but where's Sub Zero?
lOL. but where's Sub Zero?
But where is Maximilian from The Black Hole? hee hee (joke) I know there's a similar robot from a similar movie named Sebastian, but I can't remember which movie! ;O
JESUS CHRIST! AWESOME! Tootsie Roll Pops meet Skutnik's Great House Escape series~!
I bet those two psychopathic Unicrons hatched form that dinosaur's eggs... Tiem to get fryin.
ah, brings back fond memories of Green Eggs and Ham, and The Roach as played by the excellent Vincent D'Onofrio in Men in Black. ;)'s okay Bino, I have more.
this made me happiness. You should make dolls. I want a Zulway doll. YESTERDAY. i'm not kidding, man. they will sell like hotcakes. SI there any Charlie merchandise?
stellar awesomeness. AND INTO THE RAVINE.
ow meh gawddddd its charleh the unicronnnnnn SO MUCH LOVE for this you guys this is TOO MUCH MADEOFWINSAUSAGESAMMICH.
heheh funkalicious. have you seen ArtistGamerGal's The Real Sailor Moon? eheheheheh
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10