Boys are magickal and hilarious creatures.
- an asexual
Boys are magickal and hilarious creatures.
- an asexual
the fuck? This is beautiful my good man! (just came from watching Dovahbear 4 and 3)
Never have got around to playing Skyrim, but this is godly, sir.
Chicken Boo and Roger Wilco... with a dash of Free Willy. My life is complete good sir. Sadly I never got the chance to play Roger Wilco, but I did play most of the Activision Space/Zork games. I miss em, but they were never the same after I discovered they had manuals, you know? I just can't bring myself to play them now. The manuals ruined it. But, this was hilarious, thank you!
I need more Raptor Jesus in my life, Lobster. Make it so.
This was awesome. However I HATE Wind Waker with every god damn bone in my body, all of my tendons, my cartilage, and my uterus. Also my brain. AAAAACK good one breh.
Christopher. Walken. FTW
Son of a bitch, how many awards did you get for this masterpiece? It's outstanding! The sketch-work is extraordinary. The woodcut vibe is perfection, and the black and white just appeals to the eye like a glorious soft kiss of death from Christopher Lee.
I keep expecting Schroeder to go batshit... why does Schroeder never murder anyone???
Oh this was fun! I especially loved the three at the end. But then I love those, so...
One hundred meters? That ought to keep the cows guessing.
Age 41, Female
Instinct, like the man said.
France, Kasterborous
Joined on 1/24/10